Bosnia and Herzegovina, a demographically diverse Balkan state in Southeast Europe was forged by the fires of war after departing from Yugoslavia in the early 90s. During the war on terror, and subsequent struggles with ISIS, a shocking percentage of foreign fighters came from the Brcko region of BH, and many Muslims in that area practiced Wahhabism, a more austere and fundamental interpretation of the faith.

What We've Done
A team of three enumerators collected data from residents of Brcko using QuickTapSurvey on phones or tablets. Questions included demographics, as well as questions regarding respondents’ perceived issues and level of trust in their local governance apparatus. This data was then collated and assessed using state-of-the-art analytical tools.
Then, manipulation of the collected data allowed for researchers to determine the main grievances plaguing the citizens of Brcko, namely perceived corruption in government and lack of viable livelihoods. These grievances coalesced into an overall lack of faith in the government or other governing authorities.
With a sufficient number of surveys completed, the team was able to establish a baseline, or starting point, from which all future interventions and potential solutions could be measured against.
Programming Recommendations
Inclusive Pathways Back into Society: Radicalized individuals, or those on their way to radicalization are isolated, programming needs to bring them back with the peaceful majority.
Livelihood Projects: The government needs to invest in programming in the region to get the young men susceptible to violence into careers.

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